Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas....

Even though it's 70 degrees outside.  We have been playing in our Christmas jammies and embracing the Christmas season anyway! 
We have some exciting Christmas festivities coming up including a trip to Gatlinburg with my family! We can't wait to spend time with the ones we love, eat yummy food, and celebrate Jesus' birthday!  Wishing you lot's of holiday cheer! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

What's Up Doc?! 9 Month Check-Up

Last week Caroline had her 9 month check-up and she is one healthy, growing girl!! And busy, busy, busy. So busy. She is keeping us on our toes these days but this age is so fun!

At nine months we are working on saying and waving"bye-bye" and associating the words "mama" and "dada" to who we are.  I can tell we are getting close but she doesn't do very consistently. She is crawling (faster than I can walk at times), pulling up on everything she possibly can, and can stand up by herself for a few short seconds at a time. She <finally> started cutting her first tooth last week. She is full of energy and I couldn't love her more if I tried. Here she is waiting like a big girl with her lovey at the doctor's office.
Finally getting to play with the big kid toys! 
27 1/4" long (31st percentile)
18lbs  (45th percentile) 
Reading Mommy stories while we waited on the Dr. 
 We got a A+ on our check-up! 
And of course, can't forget our monthly photos! Which are getting almost impossible but so entertaining :) 
Happiest nine months with you, baby girl.