These pictures do just that....make my heart smile. I feel that these pictures capture their littler personalities so perfectly. Oh if I could slow time down right now. They are growing up right before my very eyes. The happy part is, it just keeps getting better and better :)
Every night before Caroline goes to bed she waits until I get to her door to leave the room and says "night, night, sweet dreams, I love you, see you in the morning" Same words. Every night. And I hope it never ends.
Another sweetness of this age is her *demand* for "a hug & a kiss" every time we part. Not just with me but with everyone she loves. She says "I'mma give you a hug & a kiss." It's the sweetest sounds in all the land. I hope you leave for high school giving me "a hug & a kiss".
John Collins melts my heart daily when he says "I hold you Mommy." And when he comes up to my legs and wraps his whole arms around me. Moments like those truly stand still.
Always thanking God for their precious lives and for allowing me to be their Momma.