Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy TEN Months!

Ten months! Ten balloons! And two more months until you are one. Crazy! On your ten month "birthday" you finally put your first word with its meaning. Daddy was studying in his office with the glass doors closed and you crawled over to them, hit on the doors and said "dada." It was precious. You were so proud of yourself so you continued to do it several times throughout the day! A couple days later, you started coming up to me and pulling on my legs saying "mamamama." And my heart melted. You are waving and saying bye-bye when you are in the mode and you continue to be as busy as ever! You play very well by yourself with your toys and love eating new foods each day.  You are crawling faster than I can walk and walking behind your walker. You are a bundle of fun and keep us laughing.  One of the things we laugh most about is when we take you out to restaurants you turn around in your highchair and stare at everyone eating the entire meal.  We always apologize for you and everyone excuses you because you are so cute! 
Now these next two months can slow way down because saying I have a ONE year old is going to break my heart! 

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