Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy ELEVEN Months!

I'm not sure that I am ready for next month. This first year has somehow come and gone in a flash and left me in a puddle of tears! But oh what precious memories we have made.  I've heard that it only keeps getting better so I'll wipe my weeping eyes and look forward to all the fun times ahead. 

You've been a busy little girl this past month learning new tricks every day. You have become quite vocal. Looks like you are going to be a talker like your momma! Your vocabulary consists of the following words: momma, dada, bye-bye, e-i-e-i-o, haaaay!!, no no, go go, and uh-oh.  We we tell you to "love the baby" you say "ooooooo" and lean your head on the baby. Sweetest thing ever. You are standing without support for 10-15 seconds and have taken one step a couple of times. You're so close  to taking off walking but crawling is easier and quicker so that works for now.  You are cutting THREE teeth, front top two and bottom left so you haven't been feeling 100% lately, understandably so.  Your favorite food is fruit, esp bananas but you will eat just about anything. I usually give you about 30 minutes to eat and you are usually STILL eating when time is up. Little piggy. Your hair is still blonde and straight. I don't see any curls yet, but I would be surprised if they don't show up soon seeing that mama and dada both have natural curly hair.  Your personality is developing into such sweet little girl. You are so pleasant, hardly ever cry, play well by yourself, and you've become super cuddly. I am LOVING it :) 

Here are some pics of what we have been up too lately! 
Snuggles with Emme 
Celebrating Grandaddy's 60th Birthday 
Learning where my bottles are and crawling to them letting me know it's time to eat.
Doctor visits 
Playing with toys
Lounging in my "chair"
Trips to the park to see the ducks with Dada
Celebrating Aunt Cac's birthday 
Playing with my cousins
Standing up all by myself 
Being a doll baby every single day! 
We'll be back, but for now we've got a 1st birthday party to plan!!!!! 

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