Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy ONE year!

Baby girl, you are ONE year old and I have to say that it has been the absolute best year of our lives. 
You are growing up right in front of our eyes and I can't seem to find a way to slow you down!! You are learning everyday and keeping us in stitches with your lovable personality. You took your first steps on February 13th but really started walking on February 17th.  You were so proud of yourself and looked so adorable waddling around.  You have four teeth and we gave you your first hair "trim" two days after your first birthday.  You say several words and continue to repeat pretty much whatever we say to you.  You know how to find Mommy's nose and eyes. You "talk" all the time and wave bye-bye with both hands at the same time. You "throw it in the pan" with the cutest grin on your face and will do it over and over and over.  You love on anything and everything. All we have to say is "love the ......" and you lean over say "oooooooo" and give lots of lovin'. It is the sweetest sight in the whole entire world.  You just switched to whole milk and seem to be quite fond of it. Fruit is still your favorite food.  You still sleep twelve hours a night and we are working on getting you to one nap during the day.  Our love for you grows each day and it is a joy watching your personality come into full force as you grow.  I wanted to capture your sweet self on your first birthday so I took you out and did a mini-photo shoot. I was quite surprised with how well they turned out! 
Birthday party pictures coming soon :) 

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