Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What's Up Doc?! 15 Month Check-Up

15 months. Goodness Gracious. I know I am going to say this at every stage (until she is a talking-back-teenager) but this age is THE BEST!  Caroline's personality is in full force and she keeps us laughing and smiling 80% of the time. The other 20% we just won't talk about. Sassy, smart, and sweet are three words that sum up her cute self.  She has changed so much both physically and developmentally since turning one in March.  She has become fiercely independent the past few weeks. A few days ago, I was feeding her applesauce and she took the spoon out of my hands and started "attempting" to feed herself. Now she will NOT let anyone feed her. She hasn't quite mastered getting the food on the spoon and into her mouth, and she wears a lot more than she eats, but I am super proud that she is at least trying! Here is a recap of her 15 month check-up with our new pediatrician, Dr. McCain. I was so excited that we were able to get in with the same doctor that Mary Catherine takes Anna Scott and William to. She is so sweet and very knowledgeable not to mention located right in the heart of Homewood which makes it super convenient for Mommy.  
Caroline's favorite foods at this age are yogurt covered raisins, goldfish, pb&j sandwiches, yogurt,  grapes, bananas, welch's fruit snacks, and any type of "cooooookie." (Notice this is all snack food, we are working on that). She recently took a liking to spaghetti and ate a serving size bigger than Alan's two nights in a row!  She drinks whole milk and juice from her sippy cup and still loves her "papci" (paci).  She's rocking 12-13 hours of sleep at night and taking about a 2 hour nap during the day. She will start MDO at Dawson Baptist Church at the end of August on Tuesday and Thursday from 9a-1pm. I think she will love it as she always enjoys watching and playing with other kids she is around. 
She LOVES watching the baby first channel, walking around, reading books (she will bring them to you and get in your lap), wagon rides, bath time, swimming (no fear, at all), dancing, music, singing nursery rhymes, playing peek-a-boo, and being tickled by daddy.  She will pretty much repeat any word that I say but her favorite words that she says often are bye-bye, night-night, cookie, bites, Mommy, Daddy, MeMe (For Emme), Weeeiilll (for Will), Boo-Boo (we got our first boo-boo a few weeks go and she has since become obsessed with the word),  1-2-3 GO, doggy, and baby.  She can point to items in books and name what they are.  She also has recently started crawling in my lap to cuddle and it owns me.  She can find her nose, ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, head, knees, and (her favorite) her toes! She says thank-you un-promted and we are working on saying please. She LOVES dancing and though we are not quite sure about her rhythm, it sure is the sweetest to watch. She is also a big mommy's girl and I'm ok with that :) 

A few sweet things that she does that I want to forever remember are when you say "love the baby" she leans over and says "oooooo" and gives kisses. She will sit in my lap and when asked "Where is baby brother?" point to my stomach and lean over and give him love.  When it is time for bed I will ask her  "Caroline, are you ready to go night-night?" and she gathers up her lovey, paci, and bunny pillow, walks in her nursery, grabs the rails to her crib and says night-night. Then I put her in her crib and she waves bye to me then drifts off to sleep.  If only we get this lucky with baby brother ;) Not counting on it.  
Getting our growth measurements! 
50% for Head Circumference 
90% for Length 
50% for Weight at  20lb 15.6oz
Showing Dr. McCain how old she is! 
She was such a big girl and didn't shed ONE SINGLE tear until those nasty shots. This Momma was so proud as she has pretty much cried the entire time during her previous check-ups (refer to prior posts).  It's hard to believe that she will be a big sister in just three short weeks. My little girl is growing up and it is so bittersweet I just can't stand it. 

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