Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Happy TWO Months, John Collins!

My dream baby boy.  What ever did I do to deserve you. You are my joy in the mornings and put a smile on my face throughout the day when I need it most! You look like your Mommy most of the time, but when you smile I see some of your Daddy in you.  You have the BEST disposition and are so content. You love to be snuggled and held. You are already addicted to your pacifier just like your sister.  
You sleep from 7:30pm-7:30am only crying out a couple of times because you have become un-swaddled or you lost your paci. I am so proud of you :) You nurse for 30 minutes every four hours. I love every single inch of you. 
Naps on the couch with Mommy are a favorite. Never can get enough of your snuggles.
Here you are at 10 weeks old.....
You've decided to tolerate bath time but still aren't the biggest fan.  And I'm sorry that your bath towel has pink on it. Please forgive me. 
You love your sister. You watch her and coo at her all day. 
And when you just want to be held but Mommy has things to do, you love tagging along :) 
I think we make a pretty good team, baby boy. Be mine forever, ok? 

What's Up Doc?! Caroline's 18 Month / John Collins' 2 Month Check-Up

Caroline was such a big girl during her 18 month check-up. She showed off to Dr. McCain by singing most of her ABCs as well "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." She didn't shed one tear until the shots but quickly recovered when the word "sucker" was mentioned.
We are growing, growing, growing!! I don't really know how considering we are currently on a food strike and eat only enough to survive. Thankfully I was informed that this is normal for her age and not to worry. Girlfriend will knock out some goldfish though. Who doesn't like baked cheese in fish form? 
She remains in the 90th% for height measuring 33 1/2 inches long. 
And she is in the 60th% for weight at 23lbs 5oz
All done, just waiting for those mean ole shots! So proud of my big girl. Still unreal that she is already 18 months old. Oh how we are loving each day with her sweet, smart, spirited self! 
John Collins also got a good report at his 2 month check-up! Oh how we thank the Lord for two healthy, happy babies. This baby boy is a DREAM.  About three weeks ago he thankfully decided that he would love life, we stopped calling him John-Colic, and has been the BEST BABY since. I mean, sleeping 10-12 hours, nursing like a champ, and so content every hour he is awake kinda good. He LOVES for someone to talk to him and will smile and coo for hours. He also loves to be held and snuggled. Each sound he makes turns my heart into a puddle. This little boy has this Momma wrapped and I love it. He is the sweetest thing on this planet, I'm sure of it.  
Dr. McCain said everything looked perfect! 
He is in the 25% for weight at 11lbs 8oz. 
He is in the 90th% for length at 22.5" long! 
All snuggled up after his exam waiting for those mean ole' shots. 
Thank you Lord for our Caroline and John Collins. We couldn't love them more. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Caroline Catherine is 18 months

Eighteen months. Such a FUN age. Caroline is learning and saying new things each day it is so hard to begin to list all that she is doing these days.  As of now she will pretty much repeat any word you say. She knows just about every animal pointed out to her and can mock the sound it makes. She is also starting to say a few short sentences. A favorite of mine is "I love you, Mommy" and "Okay, Mommy."  She is a very smart girl with a VERY BIG personality. Most of the time this is a good thing but there are times when I wish she wasn't so smart :) She can be a bit defiant when things do not go exactly as she had planned but we are working on compromise and patience. 
At 18 months, she started attending the MDO program at Dawson Baptist Church. After a couple of bad days, she is really starting to enjoy it. A few tears are still shed when I drop her off but the teachers report that she is happy and playing in a matter of minutes. It is such a joy to go and pick her up. Amazing how a short four hour break can make me miss her so much! Her eyes light up and she cannot get her little feet to me fast enough when she sees me at the door. It's the sweetest. 
A few of her favorite things right now are: reading books, coloring, watching "toons" (cartoons), eating "nacks" (snacks), "i-keeem" (ice cream), bath time, singing her ABCs and "winkle winkle" little star, feeding her baby a bottle, and her beloved paci. The last few weeks she has become even more obsessed with her paci and her lovey. We aren't sure why but we think it may be associated with baby brother coming along. Whatever the reason I am not being too strict about it because I know she will not suck a paci forever. I will keep her little as long as she will let me :) She pays minimal attention to John Collins but when she does interact with him she shows lots of love towards him. She will sometimes just sit and look at him then look back at me and smile. She brings me his paci when I am changing his clothes or diaper and he is crying. She will bring it up to me and say "here you are."  I can't wait to see them interact more and more as they get older! 
A precious memory I want to hold onto is that every morning when we go in to get Caroline out of her crib she has to hand us all her "tuff" (stuff) she sleeps with at night. This routinely consists of her paci, two loveys, a small pink blanket, and her bunny pillow. She hands us each item, one at a time, then holds her arms out for us to pick her up.  When she and all her "tuff" are in our arms she says "now" very sternly. Then we have to go sit on the couch with all her "tuff."  If any of her "tuff" touches the ground before she is ready for it to it causes a meltdown. It's pretty funny. 
She is very curious and eager to learn. She loves being outside and exploring.  I think she would walk around all day long if I let her.  Such a busy body.  Another sweet thing she does is when someone enters the room she says "Heeeeyyy" and then states the name of the person in a real high pitched, excited voice. It's like she hasn't seen them in ten years. She loves so big. She loves her Dadeeee and gets so excited when he comes home from work. She is also obsessed with her grandparents (all of them) and she loves Anna "Cott."  She doesn't really love playing with Will right now since they both like the same toys but I know it's only a matter of time until they are the best of friends.  
My little Mommy's girl. At times the days do seem so long and she tests my patience but I try my best to take a deep breath and realize that I will want every. single. second back in just a few short years. I can already tell that she will be in her teenage years before I know it and I'll never get these days back. So my goal for now is to soak in each moment, good or bad, and continue praising God for this miracle He entrusted us with.   
Stay little forever, ok Lina Lou? We love you! 

Beach Trip 2016

Our annual Stewart/Laney/Dozier/Whitt/Cease family beach trip didn't disappoint.  As always we ate way too much, laughed a lot, relaxed and just enjoyed having everyone together at the same time. The babies kept us busy and there was never a quiet moment but oh the memories we made and the fun had! 
Caroline and John Collins were traveling in style with their adorable luggage from Lollie! 
These girls were so excited to hit up the pool as soon as we arrived! The lazy river and the slide were a huge hit. Caroline loved it and would've ditched the rents' and ridden solo if she would have been big enough! I wish I had a recording of her squeals and laughter the whole way down. And before she could even come up for air, she was saying "iii siiiiide" (I slide). 
After the pool we had to go check out the beach. I think she would have sat there and played in  the sand all day. Despite the fact that I am still finding sand in all the wrong places, it was worth it :) 
And the next day Caroline and Will couldn't wait for a play date on the beach. Does it get ANY sweeter than this?!?! The answer is no. 
These two love their Granmommy soooooo much! 
So much fun having babes 3 months apart! 
While the "big" kids played, John Collins enjoyed all the attention and extra cuddles. I don't think there was ten minutes that he wasn't held! Spoiled rotten just as he should be :) 
Sweet snuggles with GG 
We loved cheering on the Crimson Tide and enjoyed a popcorn snack at halftime!
Lunch at Lulu's never disappoints!
And then we attempted to take some family beach pictures with an 18 month old and a 2 month old. Wouldn't recommend it but at least we got a few keepers.
Bye-Bye to Summertime......See ya again next year!