Friday, January 5, 2018

What's Up Doc?! John Collins 18mo Check Up

18 months old with this chunk of love. He wears me out in the best way. He is non-stop from sun up to sun down keeps us on our toes at all times. He LOVES eating (pretty much anything), throwing things, getting into the kitchen cabinets, dumping out the dog food and eating it, sweeping the floors with his broom, bath time, running everywhere he goes, screaming and yelling to get his point across, and sitting in my lap to read books.  
He still isn't saying much although he "talks" all the time. He consistently says ball, da-da, and uh-oh. He shakes his hands above his head when he is "all-done" with his food. He gives lots of good lovin' and kisses (wide open mouth-to-mouth kisses).  When you tell him to say "I'm sorry" he will lean in and lay his head on you.  He can follow most all commands that we tell him and he can get his point across to us by yelling and pointing :) 
He is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Doc already told me to be prepared for a big boy :) 
Here are some sweet pics I took of him on his 18month birthday! 
And here are some of my favorite action shots of him at 18 months.....
We love you BIG sweet boy! You've given us the best 18 months :) 

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