Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Happy 2nd Birthday, John Collins!

Oh my sweet baby boy how are you already two! It seems you have been here forever yet feels like yesterday that you were placed in my arms.  What a constant JOY you are to us. You are wild, fearless, lovable, smart and so scrumptiously sweet. When you misbehave you are quick to ask for forgiveness by giving a sweet hug. Your favorites at two are: watching E-I-E-I-O, anything truck or ball related, saying "naawwwww", running everything and anywhere you go, eating fruit, and having two pacis and your lovey at all times. You are saying many more words now and speak with a slight lisp which turns your momma into a big ole puddle. You are one lucky boy because I cannot stay mad at you when you look at me with those big brown eyes and big ole juicy lips. You have to be one of the funniest little boys in this whole wide world and I pinch myself every day that I get to be your Mommy. Now lets be clear that you test me on a daily (hourly) basis, but through God's grace and many deep breaths we make it through week by week. You and your sister have figured out just the right buttons to push to make me want to pull my hair out but I know that one day I will want every second of these days back so I am trying to soak up every second. I love you more than you will ever be able to comprehend. and that God for your sweet life every day. 
We had the sweetest birthday celebration for you with family on your actually birthday 7/17/16! 
Gift time! 
Your face after each gift was opened! So excited! 
Had to wear the hat!! 
This was the night before you turned 2.....Last sleep as a one year old....
And the night of your 2nd birthday, you had to go to sleep with your favorite gift :) 
No matter how old you get may you always remember how much your Mommy and Daddy love you and better yet, how much He loves you. 

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