Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Beginning of COVID-19

Well, history is in the making in 2020. As of March 16th, the entire nation is being asked by our government to socially distance ourselves from one another.  Schools cancelled for the rest of the year, restaurants temporarily closed, businesses temporarily closed, employees working from home. All that remains open for the time being are grocery stores, gas stations, and hospitals. Why? A virus called COVID-19 or the coronavirus. A virus that started in a meat-market in China, now spreading throughout the entire world. Highly contagious and potentially fatal. An epidemic.  We are scared, we are aware, and we are trusting. Trusting in the Lord. He is in control and His plan is always for the good. It has made us slow down and focus on  family and faith. It has forced us to be thankful for the little things. Like slow mornings, family walks, sunsets, pajama days, home cooked meals, family time, talks with God, playing outside, and just loving one another. Unsure of what the future holds, I am forcing myself to count my blessings and stay positive each day! 
Here are a few photos of our first few weeks of "quarantine."
Strolls to see and pet the horses became a favorite daily adventure....
Attempting to homeschool and do some arts and crafts. I would like to say that I was successful at this, but the truth it I was not. We did color, work on letters and numbers but it did not last long and it was not our favorite part of the day :) 
Exploring nature....
Playing on dirt roads....
Ballet classes on the front porch....
Relaxing in the bed swing....
Breakfast picnics....
Arts and crafts....
Chik-fil-a picnics in the back of daddy's truck...
Strolling babies....
Family walks around the neighborhood....
American girl doll playing....
Cousin time....
More horse petting...
Lots of outdoor playing and riding in our jeeps....
Zooming to see friends....
Boat rides....
Sneaking away to the lake for the day....
Watching church online....
Lego building...
Long baths....
Bug catching....
Doctoring our boo-boos....
Learning the perks of boyhood.....
Playing dress up....all day.....
So many of these memories would have never happened if we were not forced to stay home and be together. It has been the strangest but sweetest time. Refocusing and redirecting our thoughts and hearts on the things that matter most in this world. I'll cherish these memories and this time forever. 

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