Saturday, August 8, 2015

Happy FIVE Months!

We are just one month shy of your half birthday and I am *begging* for time to slow down. Each day you are discovering more about yourself and finding more things to do that makes us so proud of you. You only roll to your left side and you won't roll from your stomach to your back yet. You will sit a few seconds unassisted until you topple over and I can't help but laugh.  You love to reach for anything and everything and then bring the item directly to your mouth. You have recently shown interest in "Sophie the Giraffe" and you are quite fond of nibbling on her nose! You are becoming more and more dependent on your lovey and you put it over your face when you take naps. Your favorite cartoon is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and I love to watch you smile and giggle when Mickey appears! You kick your legs when you are excited and you get teased so easily.  Your recent trick as of today is doing the "motorboat" with your mouth. You grin at yourself for doing it and you do it over and over (and over).  You love bath time and still hate when we put lotion on you.  You *attack* your bottles and continue spit up a gracious amount afterwards. Your sleeping a solid 12 hours in your crib every night with several cat naps during the day. You have the sweetest, most pleasant disposition. You light up every second of our day and we cannot get enough of your smiles and giggles! 
It has been one of the hottest summers in Mississippi and we have been trying to find ways to beat the heat! (Or maybe momma just wants an excuse to dress you in bonnets and bows. Girls are SO much fun.) 
Love our snuggle days together! So blessed to be able to stay home with you most of the week. 
Poor Sophie......She doesn't stand a chance. 
You have started  flipping your hands over and covering your eyes when you get sleepy. May be the cutest thing I've ever seen. You love our evening strolls when the temperature cools off just enough for us to go outside and not melt in misery. I will always remember these sweet walks together. 
 I'll wrap this post up with one of my favorite pics of our girl. This is her personality perfectly portrayed in a picture. Love it. Thank you Lord for this child. 

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