Friday, August 26, 2016

Happy ONE Month, John Collins!

Not quite sure how it has been one month since you stole my heart forever.  You are the sweetest little boy. You smiled purposefully for the first time while I was talking "silly talk" taking your one month pictures. I was lucky enough to capture it on camera. Heart melted. 
You are sleeping from 8p-3a, eating a little snack, and then you drift back to sleep until about 7:30am. Dream boat. 
You are becoming more alert and love laying on your play mat. You love to be held. You love your car seat and are most content when we are in the car on the go (thank goodness).  You look like your mommy but there are times that I can see some of your Daddy in you as well.  
You are nursing like a champ and have taken a few bottles as well.  You eat every 3.5-4 hours. You are a very content baby during the day but you seem to not love the evenings that much. Guess there is some truth in "the witching hour." I know this is a phase and we will all survive. Until it passes I will try to enjoy being able to hold you and comfort you in my arms.  Caroline adores you and is always pointing and smiling as she says "babyyyyy." She loves to rock you in your swing and lean over to kiss you. You sure are lucky to have her as your big sister. 

You had a very good one month check up.  You didn't enjoy your shot or heel stick but who would? Healthy and growing just perfectly was the diagnosis and we are so thankful. 
10.8 lbs  50th% for weight        22.2" long 75th% for height 
14.7" HC 50th% 

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