Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy ONE Month!

      It's been one month since you stole our hearts and I cannot remember a time before you were here.  Now I can relate to all the mothers that warned me not to blink because you would be grown before I could take a deep breath. So true. I don't know where those long first days and nights went but now it seems that they went by in a flash.  I am trying to remember each and every sound and move you make as I will cherish these first few weeks with you for the rest of my life.  We have had lots of mommy/daughter time since daddy has been working a lot. I have loved everyday with you. You have such a content, sweet spirit. I have never been more proud of anything in my whole life. I could stare at your sweet face, listen to your sweet sounds, and kiss the top of your perfect head all day long. I never knew that I could love something so fiercely. You are my girl and I thank God for you.
                                                                                                                                         Love, Mommy
What you love at one month: paci, being rocked/held, eating, sleeping, stroller/car rides, bouncy seat with music, looking around the room,  bath time, stretching, someone talking/singing to you.
What you do not love at one month: being swaddled (recently decided you don't like your arms being strapped down), tummy time, getting your diaper changed, getting your nose cleaned out (who would). 

Below are some photos of your fourth week....
First trip to the grocery store with Mommy! You slept the whole time.
Catching sweet smiles
Sleeping Beauty
Sweet snuggles with Granmomma
You love car rides!
Biggest yawns
Those eyes....
Trying out a different paci, but you prefer the green wub-a-nub
Mommy torturing you and putting you in your Easter basket that was hers when she was a little girl
Beautiful baby girl I could eat you in one bite!

First month of life memories I never want to forget.. 
~Your quick entrance into this world that took us all by surprise
~How tiny you were, your features were so dainty
~How your skin was so soft and how fresh it smelled
~How you moved your hands constantly
~How you played with your tongue
~How your breath smelled so good
~How long your fingers and toes were. Grandaddy said you were going to be a piano player
~How your eyes are as deep blue as the ocean
~Your blonde hair that took us all by surprise
~Crying in the hospital about you not looking like me during a hormonal breakdown, so silly
~Feeling like Christmas morning every time the nurses would bring you back in our room in your bassinet
~Hearing you cry for the first time and then continue to cry for your first 30 minutes in this world
~Seeing your daddy hold you for the first time and thinking that I could never love two people more
~Meeting your big cousin for the first time
~How scared I was on our ride home from the hospital and how I said a prayer for God to protect us
~Entering our house for the first time with you and really starting to feel like a family
~All the wonderful meals cooked for us and friends that visited us the first few weeks at home
~Having Grandmamma and Lollie help out so much during those first few weeks
~Being so sick right after we got home from the hospital and thinking that Daddy was my hero for taking care of us both, even starting an IV on mommy for fluids and nausea medicine
~Feeling so proud of you for eating so well and gaining weight so fast
~How you loved to stretch out on your changing table and how big your yawns were
~How you grunt all the time
~How your eyes would roll around and you would smile as you fell asleep
~How we got so tickled that you "toot" and burp like a grown man
~How content of a baby you were
~Sleeping through the night almost instantly except one feeding at 3am
~How you loved to listen to the running bath water while mommy took a bath
~When you pooped on your brand new blanket during your newborn pictures
~Your huge blow out all over your Easter dress in the middle of lunch at the country club
~How you shook your head back and forth so fast when trying to get your paci
~How perfectly your head was shaped and how your hair curled at the crown of your head
~How every coo made my heart want to explode with gratitude for your little life

1 comment:

  1. Love this sweet post!!! Brought back so many memories just reading your precious list! Soak it up, Momma!
