Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Happy SIX Weeks!

Today you are six weeks old. How is that possible? These past few weeks you've been a busy girl. You have found your voice and enjoy "talking" and cooing. Unfortunatly, you've started to get fussy in the evenings but that's ok because you sleep a solid 8-9 hours every night so I'm not going to complain. You started to really open your eyes and take in your surroundings. You've smiled purposefully one time at mommy and daddy in your nursery while mommy was singing you a song. It was the sweetest moment! I can't wait for you to do it more often.  One of my favorite times with you is when I come in and wake you up in the morning and change your clothes. You stretch for about 5 minutes and it may be the cutest thing I've ever seen. I just stand there and giggle. You still LOVE your paci and your bouncer.  You still HATE tummy time and you are still undecided about bath time. You are eating well but spitting up even better. Good thing breast milk doesn't stain your clothes! We took you in at 5 weeks for a weight check and you weighed 8 lb 8 oz! Growing girl.  You are getting really strong and can hold your head up for minutes at a time. 
You love your morning snuggles with Mommy. But there is no way that you love them more than she does. 
You also love when your Granmomma, Aunt Mc, and Cousin Anna Scott come to visit. We do lots of fun things like go to the park.......
Play with your big cousin......
And play with dolls. 
You also secretly love playing dress up with mommy in all your beautiful dresses. 
These have been the sweetest six weeks and I love you more with each passing second. 

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