Thursday, May 7, 2015

Happy TWO Months!

I blinked and you turned two months old. You are changing everyday and it just gets better and better. You are much more alert and attentive these days and we love your interactions with us. You smile and "talk" all the time and if you get really happy you *almost* laugh out loud. You LOVE kicking your legs and squirming around. Your eyes are so big and are as blue as the ocean. Your hair is still sandy blonde (still can't believe your a blondie but I love it). You are sleeping 7-8 hour stretches at night and we are SO grateful.  We could eat you up from top to bottom :) 
Things you love
#1 - PACI - addicted at an early age. Yikes.
#2 - Sounds- vacuum, hair dryer, white noise, running water
#3 -Being outside
#4 - Your car seat and car rides
#5-  Strolling
#6 - Looking at your toys and ceiling fans
#7 - Talking and Smiling
#8 - Being held and rocked
You still aren't a fan of bath time but you love being wrapped up in your big fluffy bath towel after all the torture is over.....
This picture captures your personality so well. Dainty, precious and alert! 
This photo was taken on your 8 week old birthday :) 
I could stare at your precious face for hours on end. You have impacted our lives in more ways than I could have ever imagined. Though the last two months have brought enormous amounts of change and challenges, they have also brought more joy than my heart has ever felt before. Life is sweeter with your smiles. Thank you Lord for our Caroline Catherine. 

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! She is absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way!
