Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What's Up Doc?! 4 Month Check-Up

Caroline Cate had her 4 month check up this week. She doesn't turn 4 months old until this Saturday but due to scheduling conflicts her appointment was earlier this week.  She did not love anything about this appointment, especially the shots but she got extra TLC once we got home.  She weighs 12.4 lbs. Petite and perfect.  She is in the 15th percentile for weight, 20th percentile for height, and 45th percentile for head circumference. 
HC: 40.25 cm
Length: 1ft 11.75in
Waiting to see the doctor.  
(Side note: The bubble she is wearing was mine when I was little)
Never quits playing with those hands
Trying her hardest to roll over. She usually gets "stuck" halfway :) 
Selfie with Momma! 
We are so thankful to have a healthy baby! She passed her exam with flying colors. However, she has been increasingly irritable/fussy as of late and she is continuing to spit up (all the time) so we are trying to figure out what the root of the problem is. We have narrowed it down to either GERD or cow's milk allergy. I'm really hoping that it is GERD because we just bought a deep freezer to store all the excess milk that I have made for her to take once I stop pumping. If it is a milk allergy I will proudly donate my milk to anyone who needs it :) I refuse to pour it down the drain. I have worked way too hard for it to go to waste. We are starting zantac twice a day and going to see if that helps her fussiness.  If not, we will move to plan B. Other than that she is doing great! Her personality has really blossomed the last month and she just gets sweeter everyday.  She has great head control and enjoys sitting in her bumbo (most of the time).  She continues to sleep about ten hours every night, takes about three forty-five minutes cat-naps a day, and has just started taking a long two hour nap in the afternoon. I am SO thankful that she sleeps so well.  She still sleeps in her rock-in-play in her nursery. We will eventually transfer her to the crib but we have been on the go so much that I haven't had several consistent nights at home to make the transition.  She takes about five 6oz bottles a day. She is growing and developing more every day and it just keeps getting better and better. I wish time would slow down and speed up all at the same time! 
Bath time
Eating her hands
Playing and looking at her hands
Her activity mat
Watching TV
Car rides/Stroller rides
Being outside
Laughing out loud
Kicking her legs
Her wub-a-nub

I can't wait to see what next month holds. I have a feeling that she will become a roly-poly very soon! 


  1. It's nice to see a very healthy and lovely baby. I'm glad that she had a successful checkup, and that there is no problem concerning her health. Caroline must have grown bigger now, and I hope that she stays healthy and happy. It really feels good to have a baby at home. I'm sure she can take away your stress every single day. :)

    Angela Gibbs @ Med Care Pediatric

  2. Love your blog! I saw the ones a few months later, when she was in the pumpkin patch and it usre took me back to when my youngest was about her age. He loved playing with the mini-pumpkins! Thank you so much for being open about being a loving Christian family - there are too few these days, and I hope you both get the chance to be role models to more children than just your own adorable daughter.

  3. Sorry to hear she had a bad time at the doctor's. Next time you schedule shots, ask about giving her some children's acetaminophen half an hour beforehand. Some doctors say it works. My babies were all happy, too. I think it is the breastfeeding and extra bonding they had. It's great to see another mom out there doing the same!

    Malachi Cates @ Indian Crest Pediatrics
