Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy SIX Months!

Caroline, you are halfway to one years old.  We aren't going to talk about how this Mommy's heart breaks into a million pieces when I think about how fast these past 6 months went and how much faster these next 6 are going to go. We will just talk about how much FUN we are having with you right now!! 
You have the most precious disposition and we are loving each and every day with you. You are LOVING your play mat, bouncer, sitting up all by yourself like a big girl, trying to crawl (you are so close it's scary), blowing bubbles with your mouth, "petting" Emme, stroller rides, bath time, and cartoons (esp Mickey Mouse Club and Mother Goose Club).  You love to play patty cake and this little piggy went to market.  Your favorite song for me to sing is "Jesus Loves Me" and you love your My First Counting book.  There's really not much that you don't like these days besides taking naps over an hour and faces that are unfamiliar to you. We are suffering a bit from stranger anxiety but I think it is slowly getting better. You sleep 12-13 hours at night and I am so so thankful for that. We started some rice cereal and baby foods with a spoon this past week and you are not a fan.  Not sure what we are doing wrong but we will ask your doctor this week at your 6 month appointment and see if she has any suggestions as to how to get you a little more interested.  Until then, you can just keep attacking your bottles like you do. Good news on the bottle front, we gave my stored breast milk another try and you are doing GREAT!!!! No more stinky formula and stained clothes. Your spitting up is almost non existent. I never thought I would see the day! 
You still don't have any signs of your first tooth but you are drooling a good bit so I don't think it will be long.  You love to pick up objects and stare at them while feeling of the different textures. And of course, everything goes straight to your mouth after you pick it up and cheek it out. For the most part you are very quite but occasionally you will get really excited and let out a small squeal. You babble off and on throughout the day and it is the sweetest sound.  
We had a little half birthday celebration for you on September 4th because turning 6 months old deserves to be celebrated! You LOVED your cupcake and would've eaten the entire thing if I hadn't taken it away from you in fear of an upset tummy from all the sugar. I can't wait to see what you will do with your smash cake when you turn one! 
Happy 6 Months my precious baby girl. I love you so much and still have to pinch myself when I realize you are mine! 

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