Saturday, May 22, 2021

Caroline's Last Day of Kindergarten

 Caroline had a great kindergarten year but boy are we ready for summer and baby sister to arrive! We loved her sweet classmates and Mrs Hennessey was such a wonderful teacher. I am proud of Caroline for walking into a new school with very few friends and adapting so well. She made so many new friends and was a great student! Thankful we got to stay in school all year even if masks had to be worn and social distancing between classrooms was implemented. It definitely was a year to remember. I do get a little sad when I realize some of the things that I didn't get to experience with her this year due to COVID. Things like eating with her in the lunchroom, going to her class parties, helping out in her classroom. But super thankful for a healthy year!!! We will all for sure remember her starting kindergarten in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. 

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