Monday, May 24, 2021

Waiting for Baby Sister

 We are all VERY excited and VERY ready to meet our baby sister any day now! I will be induced tomorrow, May 24th. She is already loved beyond measured and will be spoiled rotten in no time. The anticipation is really starting to build up and I am having lots of sleepless nights (the continuous braxton hicks contractions aren't helping).  It has been a rough pregnancy. From being extremely sick for the first half of the pregnancy and constantly nauseated the second half on top of being severely anemic and having ZERO energy. Needless to say I am ready to have her out of my belly and into my arms.  She also gave us a scare on her anatomy scan at 18 weeks and that has been a worry on top of everything else. Luckily the issue resolved on follow up scans but it was a very scary few months.
Caroline and John Collins are at the age that I really think they will enjoy her and remember this special time. I am upset that they won't be able to come to the hospital to meet her due to Covid. We will just have to make her homecoming extra special.  
Ready to add the caboose to this cousin crew! 
Last picture as a family of four the day before I was induced! 
Last picture of me at work! 
Headed to the hospital bright and early 5/24/2021
Cannot wait to see your sweet face sweet baby girl.

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