Friday, May 28, 2021

Welcoming Mary Alan Elizabeth Cease

On May 24, 2021 at 9:24am we happily and tearfully welcomed Mary Alan Elizabeth Cease into our world and our arms.  She weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 20.5" long with a head full of dark hair.  We went into St. Vincents Labor and Delivery at 5am to be induced. After my water was broken and the epidural was started it did not take long for things to start progressing. Around 9:00am I called my nurse in to let her know that I felt some pressure. She checked me and her eyes got big! She said "DO NOT BARE DOWN! Her head is right there!"  Dr. Poston was paged and she arrived ten mintues later, gowned and gloved herself, sat down and told me to push with the next contraction. After one short push Mary Alan arrived! The easiest delivery and I was so thankful. 
An absolute dream baby the entire hospital stay, hardly making a peep! Her fingers and toes were extremely long and she moved her sweet little tongue constantly. She looked like John Collins right when they placed her in my arms and then she started to look more like Caroline but was truly a mix between the two.  
Due to COVID there were restrictions on visitors however we were so happy that Grandmommy, Grandaddy, Aunt Cac, Lollie, and Poppie all got to come hold her in the hosptial. Everything went so smoothly and it was such a special time with our third baby.  
First time meeting her big sibs and this is their first picture together!!!! SO SWEET! 
The sweetest most precious first few days with our Mary Alan Elizabeth. 

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